School of Health Profession's Education

Dean’s Message

Prof. Dr. Syeda Amina Ahmad

Dear faculty members and students,

With a great pleasure, I extend my heartfelt greetings as we embark on a new academic year at the School of Health Professions’ Education (SHaPE), CMH LMC & IOD.


I have the distinct honor of expressing my sincere commitment to cultivating an educational environment where professionalism, mutual respect and learner centeredness take precedence.


As a Dean SHaPE, my first priority is to strengthen both scholarly & co-curricular activities at CMH LMC & IOD and ensure their meaningful alignment with the institutional vision.

As stakeholders, we all understand that change is the only constant in this rapidly transforming world, it is therefore pertinent to realize that scores of changes in medical, dental, nursing & allied health sciences curricula , pedagogies and accreditation standards are taking place both within the country and across the world. This fluid situation demands a welcoming approach to a learning mindset as it is the key to survival.


Let us join hands to take a pledge for lifelong learning, continuous professional development, and collegiality that will surely gurantee better clinical training and favourable patient outcome.